Healing the Inner Child
Developmental Trauma, Emotional Neglect, Attachment difficulties and Re-parenting
Watch an interview about the Inner Child event with Estonian event facilitator, Irene, by clicking HERE.
Inside each and every one of us is a small child which may have experienced situations:
- Which it didn't know how to handle healthily
- Where it was hurt physically or emotionally
- Where it's physical or emotional needs weren't fulfilled
- When it was exposed to traumatic situations which it couldn't understand
- When it couldn't protect itself
And we carried this our inner child in us, it grew with us to adulthood and its wounds with it. These experiences can be covered or pushed into the background but they are still there and emerge whenever we are not so good.
Unique teachings translated into a brand new seminar - 100% functional combination of trauma yoga, breathing exercises, shaking, trance dance, nervous system bio-hacks, guided meditations, visualizations and advanced techniques of working with the body, releasing stored stress, tension, trauma and resetting the nervous system to a time of innocence and full potential. Introducing re-parenting as therapeutic tool.
During a deeply healing 2,5-day seminar, the trauma and body-therapy specialist, author of the unique E-motion concept - Dorothe Trassl, will guide you through exceptional techniques aimed at releasing the developmental trauma that is stored in your body and nervous system. Find out why your Inner Child was left behind and why you had to take on a role or ego. Understand why you have difficulties feeling or showing emotions or expressing your feelings. Or why you feel, behave, and relate in certain patterns. Experience a whole new way of healing that uproots deep-seated cell memories, engraved traumas, hurts and neglect that you have never had access to before! Discover the wound of your little one inside. Give him or her what she never got. Release the pain. Heal, love, nourish, nurture, and grow up your Inner Child and find access to your true, creative, passionate, loving, spontaneous, joyful Self. Re-discover the blueprint of who your really are. Who you were meant to be in your radiant true potential!
Kateřina, 26 years old
I have twice already experienced an indescribable weekend full of openness, healing, community and authenticity. It is so relieving to not feel ashamed of your emotions and be able to finally express them and let go of them in a safe environment. Not only from the mind but mainly from the body. It is a transformational experience for me which I am looking for each year again and again.
An absolvent of Emotional Trauma Release 2021, 2022 seminars
The message of the seminar is that every person can process them! Working with your body is both easy and effective.
Through the tools that Dorothe brings you will get to know your body on a deeper level. The realisation about connecting body and emotions has uncovered areas which were not visible to me until now. Our body communicates with us all the time. I recommend the seminar to everyone who really wants to experience their emotions on a physical level. If you allow yourself to do that, the reward is indescribably freeing. And what is more beautiful than living in freedom and truth?
An absolvent of the Prague and Bratislava seminars 2019-2022
I have been working with my emotions for many years but at Dorothe's seminars I always find a new part of what my body holds somewhere inside. I got to an anger stored deep in my body which has affected my behaviour my whole life. I learned how to feel my body better and I use tools from the seminar in my daily life.
An absolvent of the Prague and Bratislava seminars 2020-2022
Peter, 41 years old
Jana, 53 years old
It is never too late for a happy childhood!!!
Remove the childhood traumas that keep you small and make your relationships difficult!
If you have ever felt that you get triggered and don’t know what to do ... If your desire is to find yourself and live fulfilled relationships ... If you want to support your body in releasing even the deepest emotional blocks and traumas ... this wonderful seminar offers a physically gentle yet incredibly effective release of memories, emotions and neglect that settle deep inside the body. Safe for every body at any age, form, and physical condition.
Seminar benefits:
Focus is on deeply hidden and pervasive Childhood Emotional Neglect and developmental trauma
Cleanses cellular consciousness from emotional, physical, and mental childhood trauma, hurt, pain, and emptiness.
Heal your relationship issues and become truly able to connect deeply and safely
You fill the emptiness inside with lots of love, joy, and connection. You make up for the times when you weren’t seen, heard, loved, held, guided, protected, or cared for the way you would have needed
You release the armour you built around your Inner Child to protect yourself from a hostile world, lack of love or too much pain. You connect deeply and healthily to the innocence, creativity, and trust inside
You will discover how you can elegantly support healing through processes that involve movement, shaking, touch and re-parenting
How will you feel after the seminar?
Radical emotional, physical, and relational healing
A deep connection with your true self, abundance, creativity, joy, and passion
Deep connection to yourself, and others
Release emotional neglect you never realized you had – running on empty no more!
Your relationships will radically change for the better and leave you deeply fulfilled and in joy